Even if you feel like your the only one that is experiencing transition, you are not alone.
It's Not a Competition
Transition is not intended to be a competition. It's meant to be a process that includes learning and growth.
Barrier Points in Transition
There are times in transition that we hit what I call a barrier point. It's like hitting a wall that we can't get past. This is what I do when that happens.
Gratefulness is Your Friend
It's easy to fixate on what we don't have in times of transition. Here's my thoughts on how to avoid that...
Avoiding the Paralysis of Analysis
In seasons of change we can become stuck analyzing what to do next. Here's how to avoid that.
Don't Ignore What Transition Exposes
Transition often exposes things we don't need for the next season. If we ignore those things, life is much harder down the road.
Are You Carrying Other People's Stuff?
Dealing with our own stuff is challenging enough without dragging things along that aren't ours.
Stop Fixating on What Put You in Transition
It's easy to get stuck fixating on what put us in transition, but it isn't helpful. Here are my thoughts on that...
A Lesson from my Storage Building
Here is a lesson offered from my experience with my storage building.
The Unpopular, but Necessary Ingredient for Change - Perseverance
Everyone seems to want a quick fix for everything, but the reality is that perseverance is a key to breakthrough in times of transition
Dealing with Discouragement
There are ups and downs in times of transition making it easy to get discouraged. Here's some thoughts on dealing with that...
Wanting vs Desiring Change
Just wanting something to change rarely accomplishes anything, but when we begin to actually desire it, things begin to happen.
Make the Investment of Getting Well
When transition wasn't our decision, there will be pain. A first step forward is making the investment of getting well.
How Do You Talk to Yourself?
How we talk to ourselves can be a huge factor in times of transition and seasons of change. Here are my thoughts on that...
Don't Forget to Celebrate Progress
This is one thing we can't neglect in times of transition, but we often do. It is a key to healthy and beneficial change.
We Have Met the Enemy and They are Us
Many of the obstacle we face in transition are internal ones. Here's my thoughts on that...
You May Have To Grow To Move On
Sometimes, the abilities that got us this far, won't get us to the next place we want to be. Here's my thoughts on that...
You're Not the Only One
It's easy to feel like we are the only one going through a season of transition. Here's why that's not a good place to be.
Compliance vs Embracing a Process
Compliance is the lowest form of engagement in a process of change. Here's why...